A classic result of Erdős and Pósa states that any graph either contains k vertexdisjoint cycles or can be made acyclic by deleting at most O(k log k) vertices. Birmelé, Bondy, and Reed (2007) raised the following more general question: given numbers l and k, what is the optimal function f (l, k) such that every graph G either contains k vertex-disjoint cycles of length at least l or contains a set X of f (l, k) vertices that meets all cycles of length at least l? In this paper, we answer that question by proving that f (l, k) = Θ(kl + k log k). As a corollary, the tree-width of any graph G that does not contain k vertexdisjoint cycles of length at least l is of order O(kl + k log k). This is also optimal up to constant factors and answers another question of Birmelé, Bondy, and Reed (2007).