To enhance energy resilience at military installations in Interior Alaska, we are exploring geothermal energy, which harvests Earth’s heat to provide thermal energy, electricity, or both. Parts of Interior Alaska have high subsurface heat flow, likely related to high-heat-producing granites. While electric load is usually the focus of energy resilience; in cold regions, the thermal load dominates energy demand, and operations can be sensitive to it. A local geothermal energy source enhances energy resilience by providing baseload energy and lessening supply chain demand. Geothermal energy technology is mature and often economical, but resource location and assessment remain challenging. We present exploration methods for a geothermal feasibility study for Interior Alaska and Phase I prefeasibility study results assessing opportunities to develop geothermal at Fort Greely, Alaska. We present possible geothermal resource types, their potential uses, likelihood of existence, and development risk. We also present custom methodology for locating the resources, associated uncertainty, and the impact of finding each re-source. Phase I shows geothermal at Fort Greely survives the elimination test. Investment into a Phase II field study to address knowledge gaps should consider the higher risk in comparison to other geothermal plays due to new methodology and sparse existing data.