Use of the energy balance equation for understanding the causation of obesity is discussed. Its basis on the thermodynamic laws is expressed in mathematical models for body-weight changes. Only a very small net energy surplus per time unit constitutes the energy deposition during weight gain, making measurements of its components difficult. The physical laws provide exact quantitative relationships between energy intake, energy expenditure and deposition of energy, but cannot disentangle the initiating and driving forces of the energy imbalance, which may also be an active storage of fat in adipose tissue. These and various other limitations of the energy balance model warrant cautiousness in using the model in studies of obesity causation. Weight gain may be self-promoting and mathematical feedback models allowing estimation of such effects show that they are realistic. Predisposition and susceptibility should be distinguished, and susceptibility as a modifiable predisposition, the genetic and environmental contribution to predisposition and its usefulness as targets for prevention and treatment are discussed. Current progress in unravelling genetic predisposition, the complex geneticallydetermined mechanisms, the slower progress in unravelling the environmental influences, the different nature of genetic and environmental influences, the possible pathways of environmental influences and the environmental influences as mediators of genetic effects are addressed. The evidence behind the prevailing concept of the 'obesogenic' environment is critically analysed. Finally, particular opportunities for the identification of the causes of the obesity epidemic by detailed analysis of an observed irregular development of the epidemic over long time periods are presented, and evidence for predisposition as a result of postnatal environmental influences is inferred from these studies.
Causation of obesity: Energy balance: Obesogenic environment: Obesity epidemicThe study of the causation of obesity presents numerous challenges, several of which do not have clear solutions within the framework of currently-existing knowledge and available materials and methods. However, before considering the scientific challenges, there is a more cultural one. Generally, the prevailing opinion seems to be that the causes are well known and that the solution is simple; obesity is a problem emerging from gluttony and sloth, and if these factors are avoided, obesity will disappear (1) . Discussion and debate from time to time raise some doubt and interest, but soon the prevailing opinion establishes itself again. It seems likely that this situation will not change until there is a much better understanding of the causation of obesity and the value of such knowledge in both the prevention and treatment of obesity has been demonstrated.In the present paper some of the more prominent principal challenges, in the author's view, will be presented and discussed. The discussion will be based primarily on theoretical considerations about the causati...