Summary:Neither resting nor stimulated isolated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes did bind or ingest preformed complexes of a r prpteinase Inhibitor and unlabeled/ 125 I-labeled human leukocyte elastase. In contrast, granulocytes bound unlabeled/ 125 I-labeled elastase and the extent of binding was reduced in the presence of respirätory burst stimulators, such äs 4ß-phorbol 12ß-myristate 13a-acetate, E. coli endotoxin, and N^formyl-jL-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine. In association/dissociation and competition Inhibition experiments it was demonstrated that granulöcyte^-elastase binding was specific and saturable. From Scatchard and non-linear regression analysis there was evidence of a two-class receptor model with independent binding sites. Calculated by the non-linear regression method assuming a two-class receptor model the characteristics of the high affinity/low capacity binding site were K! = 216 ± 129 · l O 6 l · mol" 1 (x ± s; n = 3) and Rj = 1.38 ± 0.95 nmol · 1~* corresponding to 0.083 · 10 6 receptors per cell, whereäs the low affinity/ high capacity binding site had the characteristics K 2 = 0.50 ± 0.09 -10 6 l-mol^1 and R 2 = 237 ± 103 nmol · l" 1 corresponding to 14.3 + 6.2 -10 6 receptors per cell. ]Elastase-Bindung in Gegenwart der respiratory burst-Stimulantien 4ß-Phorbol-12ß-myristat-13a-acetat, E. co/rVEndotoxin und Formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanin erniedrigt ist. Aus Assoziations-/Dissoziationsund Kompetitions-Inhibitions-Experimenten geht hervor, daß die Granulocyten-Elastase-Bindung spezifisch und sättigbar ist. Scatchard-und nichtlineare Regressions-Analyse deuten auf ein zweiklassiges Modell unabhängiger Rezeptoren hin. Aus der nichtlinearen Regressionsanalyse ergeben sich unter Annahme eines zweiklassigen Rezeptormodelis die Bindungskonstanten Kj = 216 ± 129 · l O 6 1 · mol' 1 (x ± s; n = 3) und Rj = 1,38 ± 0,95 nmol · l" 1 entsprechend 0,083 · l O 6 Rezeptoren pro Zelle für die hochaffine/niedrigkapazitive Bindungsstelle, während die niedrigaffine/hochkapazitive Bindungsstelle die Konstanten K 2 = 0,50 ± 0,09 • 10 6 l -mol-1 Und R 2 « 237 ± 103 nmol · l^1 entsprechend 14,3 ± 6,2 · 10 6 Rezeptoren pro Granulocyt besitzt.
Untersuchungen zur Elastase* und a,i~Proteinaseinhibitor-Elastase-Aufnahme polymorphkerniger Leukocyten und Nachweis eines Elastaserezeptor^Systems