Phenotyping of Apolipoprotein E Isoforms 2.3.1. Separation of apolipoproteins by isoelectric focussing 2.3.2. Western blotting of apolipoprotein E 2.4. RFLP Analysis of the Apolipoprotein B Gene 2.4.1. Preparation of DNA 2.4.2. Endonuclease digest of DNA 2.4.3. Separation of DNA fragments by agarose electrophoresis 2.4.4. Southern blotting 2.4.5. Preparation of a 32p_iabe ] _ ] _ ecj i genetic probe 2.4.6. Hybridisation of Southern filters 6 2.5. VLDL-Turnover Studies 2.5.1. Cumulative gradient ultracentrifugation 2.5.2. Preparation of radiolabelled VLDL subfractions 9 2.5.3. Analysis of apolipoprotein B in VLDL subfractions 2.5.4. Protocol for VLDL-turnovers 2.5.5. Determination of apolipoprotein B specific radioactivity 2.5.6. Determination of lipoprotein composition and 82 of pool sizes 2.5.7. Modification of the VLDL-turnover procedure for studies in patients with hyperchylomicronaemia 2.5.8. Kinetic analysis of VLDL-turnover data by the SAAM 2 9 program 2.5.9. Nutritonal records 6 2.6. LDL-Turnover Studies 2.6.1. LDL preparation by rate-zonal centrifugation 87 87 Page 2.6.2. Preparation of labelled native and cyclohexanedione modified LDL 2.6.3. Protocol for LDL-turnover studies 2.6.4. Kinetic analysis of LDL-turnover data 9 2.7. Ethical Considerations 9 2.8 Statistical Methods 8 9 2.8. Materials and Equipment 90 3. RESULTS 93 3.1. Production of a Monoclonal Antibody against 93 Apolipoprotein E 3.1.1. Preparation of apolipoprotein E 93 3.1.2. Raising of a monoclonal anti-apoE antibody 93 3.1.3. Production of antibody containing ascites 95 3.2. Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism and its 96 Correlation with Plasm Levels of Cholesterol and Apolipoprotein B 3.3. Apolipoprotein B Metabolism in Normolipidaemic 98 Subjects Homozygous for ApoE2, ApoE3 or ApoE4 3.3.1. Characterisation of study group 3.3.2. VLDL-turnover studies in apoE2/2, apoE3/3 and apoE4/4 subjects 3.3.3. Analysis of apolipoprotein B metabolism in apoE2/2, apoE3/3 and apoE4/4 subjects by computer modelling 3.4. Apolipoprotein B Metabolism in Familial Hyperchylomicronaemia 3.4.1. Characterisation of patients Page 3.4.2. VLDL-turnover studies in familial hyperchylomicronaemia 3.4.3. Computer modelling of apolipoprotein B metabolism in familial hyperchylomicronaemia 3.5. Apolipoprotein B Metabolism in Hepatic Lipase Deficiency 3.5.1. Clinical data characterising the patient 3.5.2. VLDL-turnover study in a patient with hepatic lipase deficiency 3.5.3. Computer analysis of apolipoprotein B metabolism in hepatic lipase deficiency 3.6. Apolipoprotein B Metabolism in Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia 3.6.1. Characterisation of patients 3.6.2. VLDL-turnover studies in homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia 3.6.3. Computer analysis of apolipoprotein B metabolism in homozygous familial hyper cholesterolaemia 3.7. Apolipoprotein B Gene Polymorphisms and Lipoprotein Metabolism 3.7.1. Apolipoprotein B gene polymorphisms and plasma cholesterol levels 3.7.2. Apolipoprotein B gene polymorphisms and LDL catabolism