Introduction and importance
The weekend warrior has long been prey to musculoskeletal injuries as a result of intermittent, high intensity activity. The Achilles tendon is known to be particularly vulnerable in this population cohort but during the COVID-19 lockdowns in Ireland and all over the world there has been a certain level of detraining and deconditioning among all age groups and populations.
Throughout the worldwide restrictions, viral internet challenges and dances have encapsulated the spirit of a global community with the ‘Jerusalema’ dance being no exception. The rise of this particular viral sensation was at the detriment of the Achilles tendons of three middle aged gentlemen on who we base our case series.
Presentation of cases
Over the space of ten days three cases of Achilles tendon rupture repair presented to the emergency department in Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore (MRHT) with the mechanism of tendon rupture being through the ‘Jerusalema’ dance.
These patients were surgically managed in line with local institution practice and postoperative outcomes were good with no complications noted. Follow up is ongoing.
Clinical discussion
This retrospective case series is based on the impact of the ‘Jerusalema Dance’ on presentations of Achilles tendon rupture to the Emergency Department in a single regional hospital from January to March 2021. We used these cases in conjunction with a review of current literature to highlight the benefit of an integrated Achilles Tendon rehabilitation programme in this at-risk patient cohort.
This paper highlights the dangers inherent when well intentioned, but physically deconditioned individuals endeavour to perform a physical exercise which is deceptively demanding. Going forward, viral challenges such as the ‘Jerusalema’ may contribute to new and interesting mechanisms of injuries in our ‘weekend warrior’ cohort. In addition to this, given the global deconditioning seen due to the COVID 19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns we may see a higher rate of Achilles tendon injuries in the near future across a multitude of patient cohorts. Level one evidence suggests that conservative treatment is just as effective as surgical treatments in the majority of patients with an Achilles tendon rupture, as long as a protocol of rehabilitation with early weightbearing is performed. Our accelerated rehabilitation programme in MRHT is in line with others however internal audit and new literature in the future may enable us to refine it further.