Short-term studies with 13 NH 4 ϩ have provided estimates of NH 4 ϩ influx, efflux, and cytoplasmic concentration in spruce (Kronzuker et al., 1995a(Kronzuker et al., , 1995b. As the NH 4 ϩ concentration in the external solution increased from 10 to 1500 m, cytosolic NH 4 ϩ levels increased from 2 to 33 mm and efflux increased from 10% to 35% of influx. Similar rates were reported for rice: as external NH 4 ϩ levels increased from 2 to 1000 m, cytosolic NH 4 ϩ levels increased from 3 to 38 mm and efflux rose from 11% to 29% of influx (Wang et al., 1993 ϩ generation in maize roots was estimated to be 50% faster than concurrent NH 4 ϩ uptake (Jackson, et al., 1993). The potential for substantial generation, recycling, and efflux of endogenous NH 4 ϩ in roots is thus indicated.A crucial question raised by these observations is whether protein turnover is the source of endogenous NH 4 ϩ generation, or if recycling of intermediates of the NH 4 ϩ assimilation pathway, such as Gln, is the source. To address this question, maize (Zea mays) seedlings that had been grown on 14 NH 4 ϩ were exposed to highly labeled 15 NH 4 ϩ for 3 d. It was hypothesized that if protein turnover is the source of NH 4 ϩ and if part of this NH 4 ϩ is subject to efflux and translocation to the shoot, a decline in endogenous 14 N protein in the root should occur as new protein is synthesized from the entering 15 NH 4 ϩ . The fact that 15 NH 4 ϩ was applied during six diurnal periods also permitted us to (a) directly measure of the diurnal pattern of NH 4 ϩ fluxes into and out of roots, (b) compare 15 NH 4 ϩ uptake and assimilation by roots during successive light and dark periods, and (c) determine the relationship of the latter processes to carbohydrate levels in shoots and roots.
Plant CultureMaize (Zea mays L. cv Pioneer 3320) caryopses were germinated at 30°C in contact with 0.1 mm CaSO 4 . After 30 h, uniform seedlings were selected and their seminal roots excised. Cultures of eight seedlings each were transplanted into 160 L of basal nutrient solution, pH 6.0, containing 0.125 mm (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , 1.25 mm K 2 SO 4 , 0.25 mm Ca(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 , 1 mm CaSO 4 , 46 m B, 9 m Mn, 0.8 m Zn, 0.3 m Cu, 0.1 m Mo, and 54 m Fe as ferric diethylenetriamine pentaacetate. The solution was aerated with compressed air that had been washed with H 2 SO 4 and water to remove ambient NH 4 ϩ . A combination of sodium vapor and metal halide lamps provided 1140 E m Ϫ2 s Ϫ1 illumination at canopy height during a 14-h photoperiod (7 am to 9 pm). The average air temperature during the experiment was 23.4°C Ϯ 1.6°C. Both pH and [NH 4 ϩ ] of the nutrient