Four young Bobwhite quails (Colinus virginianus) were submitted to the Veterinary Diagnostic and Investigational Laboratory of The University of Georgia for necropsy. The quails were from a flock which had a history of anorexia, weakness, diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss and acute death. The total number of mortalities within two weeks was 80 out of approximately 900 birds. Multi focal sub-serosal intestinal ulcerations with subsequent perforation and peritonitis and Multi focal necrotizing hepatitis were noted on gross examination. Microscopic examination of the small and large intestine revealed severe necroulcerative and heterophilic enterocolitis and typhlitis with bacterial colonization and intralesional Capillaria spp. Fecal examination revealed moderate amounts of Capillaria spp. and few Eimeria spp. Clostridium perfringens was isolated from the intestine. In addition, there was Multi focal necrogranulomatous hepatitis with intralesional protozoal trophozoites consistent with Histomonas spp. morphology. Escherichia coli was isolated from specimens of liver, spleen and intestine.