Gluten is an insoluble protein produced when glutelins and prolamins, which are found in grains such as wheat, barley, and oats, combine to form an elastic thin film. This dietary gluten can cause severe contraction of the intestinal mucous membrane in some people, preventing nutrient absorption. This condition, called celiac disease (CD), affects approximately 1% of the world’s population. The only current treatment for patients with CD and similar diseases is lifelong avoidance of gluten. To analyze the gluten content in food, various enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests are currently used. In this study, the gluten content in various food products was analyzed using different kinds of ELISA test kits. For gluten-free food, three different ELISA test kits mostly yielded values below the limit of detection. However, gluten was detected at 24.0–40.2 g/kg in bread, 6.5–72.6 g/kg in noodles, and 23.0–86.9 g/kg in different powder food samples. A significant difference (p < 0.05) in gluten content was observed for these gluten-containing food products. Reproducibility issues suggest that it is necessary to use several ELISA kits for the accurate detection and quantification of gluten in various food products rather than using one ELISA kit.