Ha n nover, B isc hof s hole r Damm 15,30173 Hannover, Germany Microbiology, Surface antigenic variation was investigated in Mycop/asma arthritidis, an agent that produces chronic arthritis in rats which shares several features with many mycoplasma-induced diseases and thus defines a well-characterized model system. Hyperimmune rabbit antisera (anti-ISRI, anti-PG6, anti-H606 and anti-158~10) to whole M. arthritidis organisms were used as immunological probes in Western immunoblots of four M. arthritidis prototype strains (ISRI, PG6, H606 and D263) and five rat-passaged substrains (ISRlpl, ISRlp7, ISRlp8, 1 5 8 ~ 1 0 and D263pl). Several prominent antigens were identified that varied in expression. By Triton X-114 phase fractionation and treatment of whole cells with trypsin and carboxypeptidase Y, these strain-variant antigens were shown to be integral membrane proteins with C-termini and portions of the polypeptide chains oriented outside the membrane. Western blot immunoscreening of a large number of randomly selected clonal isolates and well-established clonal lineages from stock cultures of M. arthritidis ISRlp7, 158~10, PG6 and H606 revealed an expanded repertoire of variant membrane proteins whose expression was subject to independent, reversible phase variation. Colony immunoblots of these clonal populations with a hyperimmune rabbit antiserum to a gel-purif ied variant membrane protein (P36) showed that this phase switching occurred at a high frequency lo-* per generation). Detailed immunological and biochemical characterization of the phase-variant membrane proteins demonstrated that they are: (i) antigenically related or distinct; (ii) apparently specific to particular strain populations; (iii) proteins or lipoproteins; (iv) major immunogens of M. arthritidis, recognized by serum antibodies from convalescent rat; and (v) able to undergo variation in expression during in viwo passage. Thus, M. arthritidis possesses a complex system capable of creating large repertoires of cell surface phenotypes which may affect the multiple interactions of this organism with its host and dictate its potential as a successful infectious agent and pathogen. to