Based on the analysis of test results for 135 high-voltage transformers, ranges of gas percentage, gas ratio values were obtained and nomograms for 10 types of combined defects were made, representing discharges with different intensity which are accompanied by overheating with temperature of 150-300°C. It has been established that in transformers with discharges accompanied by low-temperature overheating the values of CH4/H2, C2H2/CH4, C2H2/C2H6 and C2H2/C2H4 ratios determine the discharge energy, in accordance with the norms regulated by the most known standards, the C2H4/C2H6 ratio varies slightly depending on the hot spot temperature and the C2H6/CH4>1 ratio value. Dynamics of defects nomograms changing in the process of their development is analyzed. It is stated by the analysis results that in majority of cases the primary defect is discharges with different intensity, which are accompanied by low-temperature overheating. Overheating occurs in the process of discharge development. The analysis of recognition reliability of discharges with different intensity which are accompanied by 150-300°C overheating was made, using norms and criteria regulated by the most known standards and methods. The results of the analysis show that the most reliable recognition of the defects analyzed is provided to a large extent by the graphical methods, namely the ETRA square and the Duval triangle. The results obtained will significantly increase the recognition reliability of combined defects based on the results of the dissolved gas analysis in the oil.