Chitosan is a product of deacetylated chitin and a natural
that is attractive as a functional and biocompatible material in the
pursuit of alternative materials to synthetic plastics for a sustainable
society. Although hierarchical architectures, from precise molecular
structures to nanofibers and twisted structures, have been clarified,
the expansion of the anisotropic microstructures of chitosan into
millimeter-scale materials is in the process of development. In this
study, a chitosan network was reconstructed from an aqueous solution
by using the meniscus splitting method to form a three-dimensionally
ordered microstructure. A chitosan membrane deposited on the millimeter
scale formed a useful anisotropically pH-responsive hydrogel. During
the evaporation of the aqueous solution from a finite space, chitosan
underwent ordered deposition by capillary force to form a membrane
with oriented microstructures and microlayers. Unlike the cast films
formed between solid–liquid and air–liquid interfaces,
this membrane formed between two air–liquid interfaces. As
a result, the membranes with ordered microstructures were capable
of signifying directional swelling in aqueous environments and reversible/irreversible
swelling–deswelling changes by controlling the pH range. We
envision that the anisotropic pH response of the chitosan network
can be utilized under physiological conditions as a next-generation