Activation of certain classes of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can lead to alterations in the actin cytoskeleton, gene transcription, cell transformation, and other processes that are known to be regulated by Rho family small-molecular-weight GTPases. Although these responses can occur indirectly via cross-talk from canonical heterotrimeric G protein cascades, it has recently been demonstrated that Dbl family Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RhoGEFs) can serve as the direct downstream effectors of heterotrimeric G proteins. Heterotrimeric G␣ 12/13 , G␣ q , and G␥ subunits are each now known to directly bind and regulate RhoGEFs. Atomic structures have recently been determined for several of these RhoGEFs and their G protein complexes, providing fresh insight into the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction between GPCRs and small molecular weight G proteins. This review covers what is currently known about the structure, function, and regulation of these recently recognized effectors of heterotrimeric G proteins.Heterotrimeric G proteins are master regulators of cell homeostasis. By coordinating signaling between the ϳ800 G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in the human genome and a relatively small handful of effector enzymes and channels in the cell, they control processes such as muscle contractility, glycogen metabolism, neurotransmission, and the concentration of intracellular ions. Their profound impact on nearly all cellular processes and their therapeutic potential have rendered them one of the most intensely studied signal transduction paradigms at the biochemical and molecular level (Sprang et al., 2007).When heterotrimeric G proteins are in their inactive, GDPbound state, they exist as an inert complex composed of ␣, , and ␥ subunits (G␣␥). In this state, they are substrates for activated GPCRs, which catalyze nucleotide exchange on the ␣ subunit (G␣). When bound to GTP, G␣ releases the effector binding surface of the  and ␥ heterodimer (G␥) so that both G␣ and G␥ can interact with and modulate the activity of specific downstream enzymes and channels. The G␣ subunit has weak guanine nucleotide triphosphatase (GTPase) activity that slowly returns the G protein to its GDP-bound state. G␣⅐GDP then becomes resequestered by G␥. Beyond serving as conduits for extracellular signals, heterotrimeric G proteins contribute to the fidelity, duration, and amplitude of GPCR signaling. A given class of heterotrimeric G protein can typically recognize only a subset of GPCRs, and can only interact with one or a few downstream effector targets, ensuring the specificity of signaling from receptor to effector. The rate of GTP hydrolysis on G␣ dictates the length of time that its signal is in play, and this rate -bound conformation. The Ras-like domain is colored cyan, and the ␣-helical domain is gray. The three nucleotide-dependent switch regions (switch I-III) are red. The canonical effector docking site, a shallow canyon formed between switch II and the ␣3 helix, is indicated by the tr...