The Mid dle Turonian sed i ments of the Nysa K³odzka Graben (Bystrzyca Sand stone in the Stara Bystrzyca out crop and the D³ugopole Sand stone in D³ugopole Górne Quarry) con tain trace fos sils, which in clude Curvolithus sim plex, ?Macaronichnus isp., Ophiomorpha nodosa, Ophiomorpha isp., Palaeophycus tubularis, Thalassinoides cf. paradoxicus, T. suevicus and Thalassinoides isp. The as sem blage of trace fos sils points to the prox i mal Cruziana ichnofacies, that char ac ter izes the dis tal lower shoreface and the ar che typal Cruziana ichnofacies, typ i cal of up per off shore set tings. The trace fos sils ev i dence implies that sed i men ta tion took place in a shal low ba sin with pe ri ods of a sud den sed i ment in put, good ox y gen a tion and nor mal sa lin ity. The Bystrzyca and D³ugopole sand stones are de pos its of the shal low epicontinental sea that were de pos ited between the fair-weather and storm-wave base, in the dis tal lower shoreface-up per off shore set ting. The Bystrzyca Sand stone is rec og nized as storm-orig i nated de pos its, whereas the D³ugopole Sand stone is prob a bly the part of prograding "ac cu mu lation ter race". The source of ma te rial for the sand stone was the East Sudetic Is land and prob a bly also the Orlica-Bystrzyca Up lift. The stud ied sand stones are re lated to a re gres sion that started in the early/mid dle Mid dle Turonian and caused a rel ative up lift of the sur round ing land.