The evaluation of total tectonic transport across a complex transform fault system of finite width requires taking into account tectonic rotations about vertical axes of crustal blocks within the transform zone. The Luyendyk hypothesis of transrotation, based on paleomagnetic evidence for tectonic rotations within the Transverse Ranges, offers the means to reconcile disparate estimates of San Andreas transform motion based on (1) summation of fault offsets on land, and (2) global analysis of seafloor magnetic anomalies. In recent years, expanded geodetic data and improved global plate circuits have largely resolved the discrepancy for current transform motion rate, but not the discrepancy for cumulative transform slip through time.A coherent kinematic model for transrotational deformation developed in this paper indicates that discrepancies between overall displacements inferred from offsets of geologic features and from worldwide correlation of sea-floor magnetic anomalies can be reconciled for at least the past 16-22 m.y. by allowing explicitly for transrotational effects. All summations of fault displacements within the San Andreas system that do not take the paleomagnetic evidence for transrotation into account are discounted as incomplete. The kinematic model is compatible with a range of dynamic models for transrotation, and does not permit a choice to be made among alternate geodynamic rationales.The kinematic model includes preferred "pinned" and alternate "decoupled" geometric variants, and describes the movements of (1) structural panels bounded by sinistral faults and rotating clockwise, and (2) irrotational sliding blocks bounded by dextral faults subparallel to the San Andreas trend. Geometric expressions are presented for cumulative slip on the rotating sinistral faults and the nonrotating dextral faults, as the sliding blocks move out of the way of the rotating panels, in terms of initial and final angles between the trends of the sinistral and dextral faults, and for the spacings of the faults. The net shear imparted parallel to the transform direction by panel rotation within the shear system can also be calculated. Analysis shows that transpressional and transtensional deformation is the general rule within domains of both rotating panels and sliding blocks associated with transrotation.The application of the kinematic model to tectonic analyses of key geologic provinces yields the following comparative results. (1) Net slip on the array of eastwest sinistral faults in the eastern Transverse Ranges, but not the observed distribution of slip on individual faults of the array, is predicted successfully by calculations.(2) Net slip across northwest-trending dextral faults of the Mojave block is compatible with the transrotational shear imparted by the eastern Transverse Ranges, provided allowance is made for partial transposition of the shear locus through the