“…This can be extremely challenging (Attardo, 1994) because no universal definition of humor has been achieved, humor is highly contextual, and there are many different types of humor with different characteristics (Raz, 2012). Previous studies (Mihalcea and 1 http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2017/task6/ Strapparava, 2005;Yang et al, 2015;Zhang and Liu, 2014;Purandare and Litman, 2006;Bertero and Fung, 2016) dealt with the humor recognition task as a binary classification task, which was to categorize a given text as humorous or non-humorous (Li et al, 2016). Textual data consisting of comparable amounts of humorous texts and nonhumorous texts were collected, and a classification model was then built using textual features.…”