Abstract3D domain swapping is a mechanism for forming oligomeric proteins from their monomers. In 3D domain swapping, one domain of a monomeric protein is replaced by the same domain from an identical protein chain. The result is an intertwined dimer or higher oligomer, with one domain of each subunit replaced by the identical domain from another subunit. The swapped "domain" can be as large as an entire tertiary globular domain, or as small as an a-helix or a strand of a P-sheet. Examples of 3D domain swapping are reviewed that suggest domain swapping can serve as a mechanism for functional interconversion between monomers and oligomers, and that domain swapping may serve as a mechanism for evolution of some oligomeric proteins. Domain-swapped proteins present examples of a single protein chain folding into two distinct structures.Keywords: aggregation; complementation; oligomer evolution; protein dimerization Since Svedberg's discovery of functional molecules composed of two or more identical protein chains, much effort has been expended in studying their metabolic regulation (Monod et al., 1965;Koshland et al., 1966) and their assembly and disassembly (Kikuchi & King, 1975;Caspar, 1980;Jaenicke, 1995).Despite this progress, understanding the assembly of oligomeric proteins from monomers remains a challenge. A common observation is that disassembly of an oligomeric protein into its monomeric subunits is accompanied by irreversible unfolding and aggregation. This observation is often interpreted in terms of exposing apolar patches on the monomer surface that are covered in the oligomer, thereby providing binding energy from a hydrophobic interaction. Thus, the question remains of how the oligomer could have been assembled in the first place. We propose an answer to this question for some oligomers based on a mode of association that we have noticed in several proteins of Reprint requests to: David Eisenberg, Molecular Biology Institute, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and UCLA-DOE Laboratory of Structural Biology and Molecular Medicine, University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095-1570; e-mail: david@pauling.rnbi.ucla.edu.Abbreviations: BS-RNase, bovine seminal ribonuclease; DT, diphtheria toxin; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; GST, glutathione S-transferase; IF, interferon; IL, interleukin; RNase, ribonuclease. known structure. We term this mode of association 3 0 domain swapping, because oligomers are formed from stable monomers by exchanging domains.A problem related to the formation of oligomeric proteins in a cell is the problem of how oligomeric proteins evolved from monomeric precursor proteins. For an oligomer to evolve, random mutations must change the surface of the monomer so that sufficient free energy is released upon oligomerization to overcome the accompanying entropy loss of immobilizing the monomers. As we discuss in this review, single amino acid replacements must be fortuitous to provide an adequate free energy of interaction. But an ...