DOI: 10.1128/jcm.38.3.1144-1150.2000
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Recombinant Antigens To DetectToxoplasma gondii-Specific Immunoglobulin G and Immunoglobulin M in Human Sera by Enzyme Immunoassay

Abstract: We have evaluated the diagnostic utility of eleven Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigens (P22 [SAG2], P24 [GRA1], P25, P28 [GRA2], P29 [GRA7], P30 [SAG1], P35, P41 [GRA4], P54 [ROP2], P66 [ROP1], and P68) in immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM recombinant enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Rec-ELISAs). Following an initial evaluation, six recombinant antigens (P29, P30, P35, P54, P66, and P68) were tested in the IgG and IgM Rec-ELISAs with four groups of samples which span the toxoplasmosis disease spectrum (nega… Show more

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Cited by 133 publications
(56 citation statements)
References 55 publications
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“…Therefore, the selection of sera used for evaluation influences the accuracy of the test markedly [46]. Several groups of investigators are working to find specific antigens and ⁄ or to produce recombinant antigens to improve the performance of IgM assays [47][48][49][50][51][52][53].…”
Section: G G -A N D I G M -P O S I T I V E Pregnant Womenmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Therefore, the selection of sera used for evaluation influences the accuracy of the test markedly [46]. Several groups of investigators are working to find specific antigens and ⁄ or to produce recombinant antigens to improve the performance of IgM assays [47][48][49][50][51][52][53].…”
Section: G G -A N D I G M -P O S I T I V E Pregnant Womenmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…To provide proper clinical care for pregnant women, it is important to have a rapid and accurate method for diagnosis to distinguish recently acquired infections from those acquired in the distant past. Although recombinant T. gondii antigens have been evaluated for their ability to detect IgM antibodies (1,4,5,8), it remains unclear which antigen of the parasite is effective for detection of acute stage-specfic IgM antibodies. The present study demonstrated that IgM antibodies to the P35 antigen of T. gondii could be detected by ELISA in 90.0% (18 of 20) of serum samples from pregnant women with an acute TSP but not in those (0 of 33) with a chronic TSP.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Potasman et al (12) previously reported that a 35-kDa antigen of T. gondii is recognized in immunoblots by IgM antibodies in sera from patients with acute infection. Recently, Aubert et al (1) reported the efficiencies of six recombinant T. gondii antigens, including P35, for detection of IgM antibodies in human serum samples. In their studies, the sensitivity of an ELISA for the detection of P35 IgM antibodies in sera from individuals with acute infection was 46.1% (41 of 89 samples); this sensitivity is far lower than that of our P35-IgM-ELISA (90.0%).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…SAG2 (P22) is major surface protein known as attachment ligand (Grimwood and Smith, 1996) that also has good antigenicity and immunogenicity (Aubert et al, 2000;Zhou et al, 2012). To evaluate the potential use of rSAG2 for diagnosis of feline toxoplasmosis by ELISA, it is shown that out of 192 samples screened, 21.9% were positive and there was significant co-relation between the titers of ELISA and LAT that led to the conclusion that ELISA with rSAG2 can be a useful method for detection of T. gondii in cats, as there was no cross reactivity with Neospora caninum (Huang et al, 2002).…”
Section: Recombinant Proteinsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…When GRA7 was combined with Tg34AR (rhoptry protein 2, C-terminal fragment), the sensitivity rose to 96%. Aubert et al (2000) evaluated the diagnostic utility of 11 T. gondii recombinant antigens which include P22…”
Section: Recombinant Proteinsmentioning
confidence: 99%