Efficient host-vector systems have been developed for the versatile, strictly anaerobic, halo-and fumaraterespiring gram-positive bacterium Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans. An electroporation-based transformation procedure resulting in approximately 10 3 to 10 4 transformants per g of the cloning vector pIL253 was developed and validated. The broad-host-range vector pG ؉ host9 was shown to replicate at a permissive temperature of 30°C, whereas the replicon was not functional at 40°C. The D. dehalogenans frdCAB operon, predicted to encode a fumarate reductase, was cloned, characterized, and targeted for insertional inactivation by pG ؉ host9 carrying a 0.6-kb internal frdA fragment. Single-crossover integration at the frdA locus occurred at a frequency of 3.3 ؋ 10 ؊4 per cell and resulted in partially impaired fumarate reductase activity. The gene cloning and inactivation systems described here provide a solid basis for the further elucidation of the halorespiratory network in D. dehalogenans and allow for its further exploitation as a dedicated degrader.It has been shown for a wide range of haloorganic compounds that reductive dechlorination is the first crucial step in the degradation of such pollutants (15,25). Halorespiring bacteria have received increasing attention during the past decade due to a significant contribution to reductive dehalogenation processes occurring in anoxic polluted environments such as soils, aquifers, and sediments (14,24). In contrast to the cometabolic reductive dehalogenation catalyzed by various metal-containing tetrapyrrol cofactors in a variety of anaerobic bacteria, this reaction is catalyzed at much higher rates by specific enzymes in halorespiring microbes, where it is coupled to energy conservation by electron transport-coupled phosphorylation (14,18,31). One of these strains is the versatile, low-GϩC, gram-positive bacterium Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans, which is able to link the oxidation of several electron donors such as hydrogen, formate, lactate, and pyruvate to the reduction of various organic and inorganic acceptors, including ortho-chlorinated phenols (o-CP), fumarate, and nitrate (37). Recently, the o-CP-reductive dehalogenase (CPR) from D. dehalogenans has been purified and characterized at the biochemical and genetic levels (33,39). Comparison with other chloroalkene-and haloaromate-reductive dehalogenases isolated and characterized from various phylogenetically distinct halorespiring bacteria indicated that these enzymes share significant similarities in both structural and functional properties, suggesting that they constitute a novel class of corrinoidcontaining reductases (for recent reviews, see references 18 and 31).The detailed molecular analysis of the cpr gene cluster in D. dehalogenans led to the identification of genes encoding putative regulatory proteins and protein-folding catalysts, the transcription of which was specifically induced under halorespiring conditions. From these results, their potential involvement in regulation and maturation of t...