Mitochondria use energy derived from fuel combustion to create a proton electrochemical gradient across the mitochondrial inner membrane. This intermediate form of energy is then used by ATP synthase to synthesize AT P. Uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) is a brown fat-specific mitochondrial inner membrane protein with proton transport activity. UCP1 catalyzes a highly regulated proton leak, converting energy stored within the mitochondrial proton electrochemical potential gradient to heat. This uncouples fuel oxidation from conversion of ADP to AT P. In rodents, UCP1 activity and brown fat contribute importantly to whole-body energy expenditure. Recently, two additional mitochondrial carriers with high similarity to UCP1 were molecularly cloned. In contrast to UCP1, UCP2 is expressed widely, and UCP3 is expressed preferentially in skeletal muscle. Biochemical studies indicate that UCP2 and UCP3, like UCP1, have uncoupling activity. While UCP1 is known to play an important role in regulating heat production during cold exposure, the biological functions of UCP2 and UCP3 are unknown. Possible functions include 1) control of adaptive thermogenesis in response to cold exposure and diet, 2) control of reactive oxygen species production by mitochondria, 3) regulation of ATP synthesis, and 4) regulation of fatty acid oxidation. This article will survey present knowledge regarding UCP1, UCP2, and UCP3, and review proposed functions for the two new uncoupling proteins. D i a b e t e s 4 9 :1 4 3-156, 2000
MITOCHONDRIAL RESPIRATION AND THE CHEMIOSMOTIC HYPOTHESISEnergy is released as foods are combusted to carbon dioxide and water. The organism must harness this energy in a useable form, suitable for driving biological work such as muscle contraction, protein synthesis, and ion pumping. This important task is accomplished by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, a step-by-step process in which metabolic fuels and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide, water, and ATP (Fig. 1). The key challenge for the organism is to regulate these many steps so that rates of ATP production are equal to rates of ATP utilization. This is not a small task given that rates of ATP utilization can quickly increase severalfold (up to 100-fold in muscle during contraction).Fuel metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation consist of many tightly coupled enzymatic reactions (Fig. 1), which are regulated, in part, by ADP availability. Control by ADP is accounted for by the chemiosmotic hypothesis of Mitchell (1). Oxidation of fuels via the electron transport chain generates a proton electrochemical potential gradient ( µ H +) across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Protons reenter the mitochondrial matrix via ATP synthase (F 0 F 1 -ATPase) in a reaction tightly linked to synthesis of ATP from ADP. When cells are inactive and rates of ATP consumption are reduced, ADP should be low. Consequently, proton entry through AT P synthase, which requires ADP, is reduced. Continued activity of the electron transport chain increases µ H +, and the resulting "back...