Platelet-denved endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF) stimulaten chcmotaxts of endothehal cells in wtro and has angiogenic acttvity m vtvo. Recenti2¢ PD-ECGF was shown to have thymidine phosphorylase activity. In order to ~tudy po5,~tble thcral~ntte appheation~ of PD-I:COF we used a rat model to determine it~ pharmacokinettc~ and tt~sue dtstnbuttoa after intravenou~ injection.[~2~I]PD-ECGF dtsappeared from the plasma in a btphasic manner, with estimated distribution and ehmmation half-hves of 17 rain and 7 h, respectively. PD-ECGF was metabolized tn the liver, excreted via the bde, and not accumulat~ an any organ system. The stability and long half-hfe in the cireulatton, together wah the specificity for endothelial cell.~, suggest that PD-ECGF may be useful as a therapeutic agent to stimulate re-endolhelialization m vtvo, or, in vtcw of its thym~dine phosphoryla~e activity, in chemotherapy, by decrcasmg the pool of available thymidine.