One promising approach to cover the spectral range between 2 and 3 µm, where several pollutant gases such as CO, CO 2 , CH 4 and NH 3 have strong absorption lines, is the development of GaSb-based inter-band lasers. Low-cost, continuous-wave GaSb-based vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) operating at ~2.4 µm up to 50ºC have been demonstrated recently [1]. In this work we have used high pressure techniques to investigate ways to improve their performance and extend their working temperature range. Since the band-gap and energy of the gain peak (E p ) increase with pressure at 0.126 meV/MPa [2] at constant temperature, when applied to edge emitting lasers (EEL) we can use pressure to determine the radiative and non-radiative recombination processes occurring [3]. In VCSELs, the pressure also tunes E p relative to the cavity mode energy E cm , which has a much weaker pressure dependence. Figure 1 shows the pressure dependence of the threshold current, I th , of the VCSEL at three different temperatures (-10ºC, 20ºC and 30ºC) and of a reference EEL with the same active region (I th in this case normalised to its value at atmospheric pressure). The decrease in I th with increasing pressure in the EEL indicates that Auger recombination is dominant at room temperature in this materials system and explains the temperature sensitivity of these EELs [3]. In the VCSEL the pressure dependence of I th is much more complicated. At -10ºC, pressure moves E p above E cm and the detuning effect dominates I th , which therefore increases. At the higher temperatures the decreasing Auger recombination initially dominates. Detailed analysis will be given, but one can immediately note that at ~130 MPa I th is lower at 20ºC and is almost stable with temperature. Therefore we predict that either increasing the band gap or increasing the operating wavelength will allow an improved temperature performance of these GaSb-based VCSELs.