“…Thermally excited quasiparticles with energies E>A decay to the ground state within a characteristic time ~R via the formation of Cooper-pairs and the emission of phonons of the energy hco>2A. Whereas ~R, the intrinsic recombination time, is not directly accessible by experiment, an effective time constant rexp can be determined from the decay of an excess quasiparticle concentration generated by an external dynamic creation mechanism, such as pair breaking by the absorption of phonons [1,2] or photons or by tunneling between superconductors [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. As has been shown in several experimental [1-5, 10, 12-15] and theoretical [-10, 16, 171 investigations, rex p significantly exceeds rR by the trapping of recombination phonons via repeated reabsorption and * Future address: IBM Ziirich, Research Laboratory, CH-8803 Riischlikon, Switzerland emission of 2A-phonons within the superconducting device.…”