We experimentally realize a photonic analogue of the anomalous quantum Hall insulator using a twodimensional (2D) array of coupled ring resonators. Similar to the Haldane model, our 2D array is translation invariant, has zero net gauge flux threading the lattice, and exploits next-nearest neighbor couplings to achieve a topologically non-trivial bandgap. Using direct imaging and on-chip transmission measurements, we show that the bandgap hosts topologically robust edge states. We demonstrate a topological phase transition to a conventional insulator by frequency detuning the ring resonators and thereby breaking the inversion symmetry of the lattice. Furthermore, the clockwise or the counter-clockwise circulation of photons in the ring resonators constitutes a pseudospin degree of freedom. We show that the two pseudospins acquire opposite hopping phases and their respective edge states propagate in opposite directions. These results are promising for the development of robust reconfigurable integrated nanophotonic devices for applications in classical and quantum information processing.Photonics has emerged as a versatile platform to explore model systems with nontrivial band topology, a phenomenon originally associated with condensed matter systems [1,2]. For example, photonic systems have realized analogues of the integer quantum Hall effect [3][4][5][6][7], Floquet topological insulators [8][9][10][11], quantum spin-Hall and valley-Hall phases [12][13][14][15][16], as well as topological crystalline insulators [17][18][19]. From an application perspective, the inherent robustness of the topological systems has enabled the realization of photonic devices that are protected against disorder, such as optical delay lines [6,7], lasers [20][21][22], quantum light sources [23], and quantum-optic interfaces for light-matter interactions [18]. At the same time, features unique to bosonic systems, such as the possibility of introducing gain and loss into the system [24-28], parametric driving, and squeezing of light [23,29,30], have provided an opportunity to explore topological phases that cannot be realized in fermionic systems.Despite these advances, there has not yet been a nanophotonic realization of the anomalous quantum Hall phase -a two-dimensional Chern insulator with zero net gauge flux [31,32]. This is noteworthy because the various topological phases differ significantly in the origin of non-trivial band topology, and therefore offer different forms of topological protection. For instance, topological edge states in valley-Hall and topological crystalline insulator lattices manifest on internal boundaries between "opposite" domains instead of external edges [14,17], and are protected only against certain boundary deformations (e.g., 120 • bends but not 90 • bends) [14,17]. The quantum Hall and anomalous quantum Hall phases, by contrast, are significantly more robust: topological edge states can appear along external edges, and are protected irrespective of the lattice shape. Moreover, whereas the quantum Hal...