We show that local/semilocal strings in Abelian/non-Abelian gauge theories with critical couplings always reconnect classically in collision, by using moduli space approximation. The moduli matrix formalism explicitly identifies a well-defined set of the vortex moduli parameters. Our analysis of generic geodesic motion in terms of those shows right-angle scattering in head-on collision of two vortices, which is known to give the reconnection of the strings.Introduction. -The issue of reconnection (intercommutation, recombination) of colliding cosmic strings attracts much interest recently (see [1,2,3]), owing to the fact that the reconnection probability is related to the number density of the cosmic strings, which is strongly correlated with possible observation of them. However, solitonic strings may appear in numerous varieties of field theories, which certainly makes any prediction complicated. In this Letter, we employ the moduli matrix formalism [4] to show that, in a wide variety of field theories admitting supersymmetric generalization, inevitable reconnection of colliding solitonic strings (i.e. reconnection probability is unity) is universal. The inevitable reconnection of local strings in Abelian Higgs model [5] (see also [6]) has been known for decades, and for non-Abelian local strings in U (N C ) gauge theories with N F (= N C ) flavors, this universality was found in [7] by a topological argument. Here, via a different logic and explicit computations, we show the concrete dynamics of the inevitable reconnection (note that [7] does not describe dynamics). Furthermore, our results extend the universality to semilocal strings [8]