The soil is a component of geodiversity, a geoheritage element providing knowledge of how the geosphere works and interacts with other Earth subsystems. To promote soil as a geoheritage element, we aim to create a geotouristic trail focused on soil, geomorphology, and geoarcheology in the area of Mt. Cusna (Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park, Northern Italy), where there is a 20-years long-lasting history of research on geopedology, geoarcheology, and geomorphology. Along existing hiking paths, five soil profiles are identified as sites of potential pedological interest, whereas three more sites are selected to show the geomorphological context of the area and one the geoarcheological evidence. The soil evidence allows for the reconstruction of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic conditions, and/or retraction of the human impact that has affected the area over time. In order to communicate the information about the geotouristic trail, illustrative panels were prepared for each trail site and underwent a formative evaluation by students attending academic courses in Natural Sciences to improve the offer. Through the trail, it will be possible to enable the visitor to discover the soil concept, which is often poorly known or even underestimated in its scientific and cultural value. Moreover, the cultural opportunities of the Mt. Cusna geosite will be enhanced.