“…Similar results have been observed in other laboratories using different preparations(Briggs & Olson, 2013;Flavell & Lee, 2013;Merlo, Milton, Goozée, Theobald, & Everitt, 2014) and species (seeSevenster, Beckers, & Kindt, 2014, in humans; Turel, Prados, & Urcelay, 2020 in planaria; Merlo, Santos, Pedreira, & Merlo, 2020, in crabs), suggesting that these phenomena are highly conserved.to different amnesic interventions. The involvement of PE in cue-dependent amnesia has been consistently demonstrated in different species (e.g.,Sevenster, Beckers & Kindt, 2012, 2013, & Dudai, 2003Exton-McGuinness, Patton, Sacco, & Lee, 2014;Gotthard, Kenney, & Zucker, 2018;Jarome, Ferrara, Kwapis, & Helmstetter, 2015;Krawczyk, Fernández, Pedreira, & Boccia, 2017;Morris et al, 2006; Pedreira, Pérez-Cuesta, & Maldonado, 2004;Reichelt, Exton-McGuinness, & Lee, 2013;Rodriguez-Ortiz, De La Cruz, Gutiérrez, & Bermudez-Rattoni, 2005). For example, destabilization can result from a change in reward contingency from fixed to variable interval ratios of reinforcement in instrumental settings (e.g.,Exton-McGuinness, Patton, Sacco, & Lee, 2014;, a change in US intensity (equal or lower than in training; e.g.,Liu et al, 2014), the presentation of a trained CS followed by novel information (e.g., Rodriguez-Ortiz, De La Cruz,…”