Laminin has been proposed to influence the function of human adrenal cortex. We have studied the distribution of laminin (Ln) chains using immunofluorescence in human fetal and adult adrenal cortex. In the fetal gland Ln ␣2-and ␣5-chains were weakly expressed in the definitive zone, whereas Ln ␣4-, 1-, and ␥1-chains occurred around vessels. In the adult gland, Ln ␣2-, ␣5-, and ␥1-chains were found in epithelial basement membranes (BM) in all cortical zones, Ln ␣4-chain in vessels, Ln 1-chain in outer zone, and Ln 2-chain in the two inner zones of the cortex, respectively. Among the integrins in adult gland, integrin ␣ 3 -subunit was confined to basal surfaces of