Tensionâfree abdominal wall hernia patch materials (AWHPMs) play an important role in the repair of abdominal wall defects (AWDs), which have a recurrence rate of <1%. Nevertheless, there are still significant challenges in the development of tailored, biomimetic, and extracellular matrix (ECM)âlike AWHPMs that satisfy the clinical demands of abdominal wall repair (AWR) while effectively handling postâoperative complications associated with abdominal hernias, such as intraâabdominal visceral adhesion and abnormal healing. This extensive review presents a comprehensive guide to the highâend fabrication and the precise selection of these advanced AWHPMs. The review begins by briefly introducing the structures, sources, and properties of AWHPMs, and critically evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of different types of AWHPMs for AWR applications. The review subsequently summarizes and elaborates upon stateâofâtheâart AWHPM fabrication methods and their key characteristics (e.g., mechanical, physicochemical, and biological properties in vitro/vivo). This review uses compelling examples to demonstrate that advanced AWHPMs with multiple functionalities (e.g., antiâdeformation, antiâinflammation, antiâadhesion, proâhealing properties, etc.) can meet the fundamental clinical demands required to successfully repair AWDs. In particular, there have been several developments in the enhancement of biomimetic AWHPMs with multiple properties, and additional breakthroughs are expected in the near future.