“…The literature review showed that the latissimus dorsi (Bodin et al, ; Steffensen, Thomassen, Jensen, & Soerensen, ; Fejjal et al, ; Kim et al, ; Kadoch, Bodin, Himy, Bollecker, & Bruant‐Rodier, ; Bulic, Dzepina, Mijatovic, & Unusic, ; Servant, Arnault, Revol, & Danino, ; Ninković, Kronberger, Harpf, Rumer, & Anderl, ; Olvera‐Caballero & Victoria‐Morales, ; Neven, Shepherd, Tham, Fisher, & Breach, ; Clement, Young, & Marsh, ), tensor fascia latae (Grinsell, Di Bella, & Choong, ; Wong, Lin, Fu, & Fang, ; Tukiainen & Leppäniemi, ; Dorai & Halim, ; Chevray & Singh, ; Lyle, Gibbs, & Howdieshell, ; Williams, Carlson, deChalain, Howell, & Coleman, ; Penington, Theile, MacLeod, & Morrison, ; Sekido, Yamamoto, Sugihara, Nohira, & Shintomi, ; Chiu, ; Caffee, ), and the anterolateral thigh flap (Hahn, Lee, & Keith, ; Gurunluoglu, Ghaznavi, Krpata, Zins, & Rosen, ; Vallam, Bhagat, Shankhdhar, & Qureshi, ; Hallock, ; Kayano et al, ; Sinna, Gianfermi, Benhaim, Qassemyar, & Robbe, ; Berrevoet, Martens, Van Landuyt, & de Hemptinne, ; Wong, Lin, Fu, & Fang, ; Kuo et al, ; Kimata et al, ) either single or in combination (Lv et al, ; Wong, Lin, Fu, & Fang, ; Kimata et al, ; Sasaki, Nozaki, Nakazawa, Kikuchi, & Huang, ) have been useful and reliable microsurgical flaps comprising the majority of free tissue transfers in abdominal wall reconstruction. Conjoined flaps incorporating vastus lateralis and anterolateral thigh flap (Iida et al, ), or rectus femoris (Lin & Butler, ), or tensor fascia latae (Lin & Butler, ), were rarely employed.…”