Osteomyelitis, which is a bone inflammation brought on by an infectious agent, is a challenging clinical issue. Chronic osteomyelitis, characterized by persistent inflammation and infection of the bone tissue, poses significant challenges to both physical health and functional well-being. A 20-year-old male came with complaints of pus discharge from an ulcer present on the dorsum of the right foot with pain and swelling around it. He was unable to stand or walk properly so he came to Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital, Wardha, India, where investigations were done which confirmed the diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis of the second
metatarsal. The patient then underwent debridement and curettage due to which he had trouble walking, his ankle joint's range of motion was restricted, and his ability to carry out everyday tasks was compromised. Physiotherapy rehabilitation was administered, and outcome measures were assessed, revealing notable enhancements in the patient's range of motion and muscular strength. A physiotherapy routine helped the patient overcome this, which is crucial to a quick and complete recovery. It also aided the patient's functional mobility and independent ambulation.