It is difficult to totally reconstruct the lips and achieve good functional and aesthetic results, such as oral sphincter function, sensation, appearance, color, and movement. There have been few reports of reconstructing complete lip defects. We present a case of completely reconstructing the lip defects of a 55-year-old patient who had verrucous carcinoma of the buccal mucosa and lips. Extensive ablation was performed by wide bilateral excision of the buccal mucosa and marginal resection of the anterior mandible and both lips. The tongue, partial tongue base mucosa, and retromolar trigone were preserved. To reconstruct and resurface the intraoral and lip defects nearly totally, we applied a free anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap in chimeric style with two independent sets of perforators and skin islands. To achieve better oral function and cosmetics, revisions of the ALT flap, full-thickness scrotal skin grafting, autologous fat grafting, and skin tattooing were done in stages. Postoperative oral sphincter function was obtained without drooling; the general appearance of the lips was also acceptable.