We use record dynamics (RD), a coarse-grained description of the ubiquitous relaxation phenomenology known as "aging", as a diagnostic tool to find universal features that distinguish between the energy landscapes of Ising spin models and the ferromagnet. According to RD, a non-equilibrium system after a quench relies on fluctuations that randomly generate a sequence of irreversible record-sized events (quakes or avalanches) that allow the system to escape ever-higher barriers of meta-stable states within a complex, hierarchical energy landscape. Once these record events allow the system to overcome such barriers, the system relaxes by tumbling into the following meta-stable state that is marginally more stable. Within this framework, a clear distinction can be drawn between the coarsening dynamics of an Ising ferromagnet and the aging of the spin glass, which are often put in the same category. To that end, we interpolate between the spin glass and ferromagnet by varying the admixture p of ferromagnetic over anti-ferromagnetic bonds from the glassy state (at 50% each) to wherever clear ferromagnetic behavior emerges. The accumulation of record events grows logarithmic with time in the glassy regime, with a sharp transition at a specific admixture into the ferromagnetic regime where such activations saturate quickly. We show this effect both for the Edwards-Anderson model on a cubic lattice as well as the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (mean-field) spin glass. While this transition coincides with a previously observed zero-temperature equilibrium transition in the former, that transition has not yet been described for the latter.