The edge-percolation and vertex-percolation random graph models start with an arbitrary graph G, and randomly delete edges or vertices of G with some fixed probability. We study the computational complexity of problems whose inputs are obtained by applying percolation to worst-case instances. Specifically, we show that a number of classical N P-hard problems on graphs remain essentially as hard on percolated instances as they are in the worst-case (assuming N P BPP). We also prove hardness results for other N P-hard problems such as Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Subset-Sum, with suitable definitions of random deletions. Along the way, we establish that for any given graph G the independence number α(G) and the chromatic number χ(G) are robust to percolation in the following sense. Given a graph G, let G � be the graph obtained by randomly deleting edges of G with some probability p ∈ (0, 1). We show that if α(G) is small, then α(G � ) remains small with probability at least 0.99. Similarly, we show that if χ(G) is large, then χ(G � ) remains large with probability at least 0.99. We believe these results are of independent interest.chromatic number, hardness of approximation, independence number, percolation, random subgraphs Random Struct Alg. 2018;