A. We derive upper and lower bounds on the degree d for which the Lovász ϑ function, or equivalently sum-of-squares proofs with degree two, can refute the existence of a k-coloring in random regular graphs G n,d . We show that this type of refutation fails well above the k-colorability transition, and in particular everywhere below the Kesten-Stigum threshold. is is consistent with the conjecture that refuting k-colorability, or distinguishing G n,d from the planted coloring model, is hard in this region. Our results also apply to the disassortative case of the stochastic block model, adding evidence to the conjecture that there is a regime where community detection is computationally hard even though it is information-theoretically possible. Using orthogonal polynomials, we also provide explicit upper bounds on ϑ(G) for regular graphs of a given girth, which may be of independent interest.
IMany constraint satisfaction problems have phase transitions in the random case: as the ratio between the number of constraints and the number of variables increases, there is a critical value at which the probability that a solution exists, in the limit n → ∞, suddenly drops from one to zero. Above this transition, most instances are too constrained and hence unsatisfiable. But how many constraints do we need before it becomes easy to prove that a typical instance is unsatisfiable? When is there likely to be a short refutation, which we can find in polynomial time, proving that no solution exists?For a closely related problem, suppose that a constraint satisfaction problem is generated randomly, but with a particular solution "planted" in it. Given the instance, can we recover the planted solution, at least approximately? For that ma er, can we tell whether the instance was generated from this planted model, as opposed to an un-planted model with no built-in solution? We can think of this as a statistical inference problem. If there is an underlying pa ern in a dataset (the planted solution) but also some noise (the probabilistic process by which the instance is generated) the question is how much data (how many constraints) we need before we can find the pa ern, or confirm that one exists.Here we focus on the k-colorability of random graphs, and more generally the community detection problem. Let G = G(n, p = d/n) denote the Erdős-Rényi graph with n vertices and average degree d. A simple first moment argument shows that with high probability G is is not k-colorable if(We say that an event E n on graphs of size n holds with high probability if lim n→∞ Pr[E n ] = 1, and with positive probability if lim inf n→∞ Pr[E n ] > 0.) Sophisticated uses of the second moment method [8,24] show that this is essentially tight, and that the k-colorability transition occurs at d c = d first − O(1) .