Background: According to recent studies, the number of women drug users is dramatically increasing. However, the information on the issue of drug rehab in women is not sufficient, and there are numerous traditional, organizational, political and cultural barriers to the provision of relevant information in this regard in Iran. This study, thus, aimed to explain the factors influencing the decision of these women to stop drug use.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in two rehab camps of Isfahan (in Iran) on July to October 2017. Thirty participants (women drug users) were selected through purposive and theoretical sampling until data saturation was reached. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using conventional content analysis.
Results: Based on the analysis of the obtained results, the women's experience of the ups and downs of stopping drug use yielded two themes and nine sub-themes. The themes were “the need for emancipation (the deviated path, being abused, compulsive drug use, acquaintance with God, a supportive family)” and “Sinking factors (non-assisting mates, pro-addictive family, unawareness of assisting official organization and non-government organization, woman’s lack of authority, ineffective opportunities)”.
Conclusions: It was concluded that addiction rehab strategies can lead to a brighter life for women drug users only when they are coupled with open-hearted assistance of the families and women specific rehab centers are established to help them meet their specific needs.
Keywords: Drug Use, Lived Experience, Substance-related disorders, Women's Health, qualitative study