Adoption of new management techniques, such as clinoptilolite zeolite (CZ) utilization has attracted much attention in the fertilizer industry. Accordingly, the aims of this study is to evaluate: if CZ, acting as an inert material, when applied to the soil, might improve the selected soil properties, height, dry matter, nutrient concentration, nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency on maize cultivation; the potential for (N:P:K) compound fertilizer when incorporated with CZ to serve same standard as the commercial fertilizer in fertilizer industry. The effect of T 1 , T 3 and T 6 on soil total N was found to be significant, when compared with T 7 . Treatments with CZ on soil total P, K and available P, K differed significantly relatively to T 1 and T 7 . The treatments T 5 and T 6 had the highest accumulation of exchangeable NH 4 + and available NO 3 -relatively to T 1 and T 7 . The significant effect of the treatments having CZ on N concentration, in uptake and use efficiency, suggests that CZ incorporated with fertilizer can reduce NH 3 loss, triggering the formation of NH 4 + and NO 3 -over ammonia and increase maize uptake. Relatively to P concentration, uptake and use efficiency, it was found that in most treatments having CZ, lower values were obtained, relatively to the commercial fertilizer, although T 3 clearly improved P uptake in roots. Most of the treatments with CZ remained statistically similar in K concentration, uptake and use efficiency compared to commercial fertilizer. It may be concluded that treatments with higher amounts clinoptilolite zeolite ensured good retention of soil exchangeable cations, available P, and NO 3 -within the soil. Treatments with CZ improved N uptake and use efficiency in the maize crop tested.