We report that adaptation to infect the guinea pig did not modify the capacity of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) to kill suckling mice and to cause an acute and transmissible disease in the pig, an important natural host for this pathogen. Adaptive amino acid replacements (I 248 3T in 2C, Q 44 3R in 3A, and L 147 3P in VP1), selected upon serial passages of a type C FMDV isolated from swine (biological clone C-S8c1) in the guinea pig, were maintained after virus multiplication in swine and suckling mice. However, the adaptive replacement L 147 3P, next to the integrin-binding RGD motif at the GH loop in VP1, abolished growth of the virus in different established cell lines and modified its antigenicity. In contrast, primary bovine thyroid cell cultures could be productively infected by viruses with replacement L 147 3P, and this infection was inhibited by antibodies to ␣v6 and by an FMDV-derived RGD-containing peptide, suggesting that integrin ␣v6 may be used as a receptor for these mutants in the animal (porcine, guinea pig, and suckling mice) host. Substitution T 248 3N in 2C was not detectable in C-S8c1 but was present in a low proportion of the guinea pig-adapted virus. This substitution became rapidly dominant in the viral population after the reintroduction of the guinea pig-adapted virus into pigs. These observations illustrate how the appearance of minority variant viruses in an unnatural host can result in the dominance of these viruses on reinfection of the original host species.The high potential for adaptation and rapid evolution that derives from the quasispecies dynamics of RNA virus populations (30, 40) can be reflected in the alteration of cell tropism, host range, and virulence (8,9,30,43,51). Mutant viruses with a modified host range can contribute to the emergence of new animal and human diseases (62). On the other hand, adaptation to a new host has been exploited since the beginning of vaccinology to derive attenuated strains with decreased pathogenicity for the original, natural host (18).Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) belongs to the Picornaviridae family and is the etiological agent of the most important animal disease affecting domestic cloven-hoofed animals and a large variety of wild artiodactyls (for reviews, see references 2, 6, 21, 63, 68, and 74). The virus consists of a nonenveloped particle of icosahedral symmetry containing a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome of about 8.5 kb. A single open reading frame encodes all of the capsid, as well as a total of nine additional mature, nonstructural (NS) proteins, including two proteases (L and 3C) and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3D) (14,69,73). As shown for a number of different picornaviruses, the mature NS proteins, as well as some of their protein precursors, are involved in multiple functions needed for virus multiplication and the host cell membrane rearrangements associated with viral RNA replication (3,25,35,46,55,60,65,82).FMDV can initiate the infection of cultured cells via different ␣v integrins (␣v1,␣v...