<div class="section abstract"><div class="htmlview paragraph">Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders (HVEDRs) have the ability to capture important data surrounding an event such as a crash or near crash. Efforts by many researchers to analyze the capabilities and performance of these complex systems can be problematic, in part, due to the challenges of obtaining a heavy truck, the necessary space to safely test systems, the inherent unpredictability in testing, and the costs associated with this research. In this paper, a method for simulating vehicle speed sensor (VSS) inputs to HVEDRs to trigger events is introduced and validated. Full-scale instrumented testing is conducted to capture raw VSS signals during steady state and braking conditions. The recorded steady state VSS signals are injected into the HVEDR along with synthesized signals to evaluate the response of the HVEDR. Brake testing VSS signals are similarly captured and injected into the HVEDR to trigger an event record. The results show that HVEDR event records can be precisely and repeatedly triggered using synthesized signals. The synthesized signals produce identical data within the HVEDR compared with the original signals. Finally, various use cases for the method are discussed.</div></div>