to determine what proportion of practices seeking a Objectives-To investigate applications for new partner appointed an established principal. A general practice partnership vacancies by established subsidiary aim was to determine why established general practitioner principals, the reasons for principals wanted to change practice and the main changing partnerships, and the disincentives to disincentives and difficulties encountered. these moves.Design-Confidential postal questionnaire.
41/296 (14%) of the newly appointed partners hadThe study was restricted to partnerships looking for previously been an established principal. The main a new full time partner and excluded single handed reasons for leaving the previous partnership were a practices; part time and job share vacancies; salaried desire to move locality or not getting on with partners or assistants; and also advertisements with previous partners. The disincentives to changing box numbers or with no postal address given. partnerships were largely financial, including the Practices that appointed a new partner who was costofsthemove andrlossofincome.previously an established principal were identified Conclusions-It is possible for established from the completed questionnaires. A further questionprincipals in general practice to overcome the naire was sent to new partners who had previously been disincentives and to change partnerships. There did principals, followed by one postal reminder to non not seem to be any overall prejudice against appoint-responders. This further questionnaire requested ing principals, in contrast to previously published details about the doctor, his or her previous practice, views. and the reasons for changing partnerships.