“…Thus, the -organizational pre-entry period‖ (Klotz, Veiga, Buckley & Gavin, 2013, p. 104) is a critical time when job seekers gather a significant amount of information that they use to form attitudes and intentions towards a potential employer. Specifically, Rynes, Heneman III and Schwab (1980) and others (e.g., Cable, Aiman-Smith, Mulvey& Edwards, 2000;Irving & Meyer, 1994;Turban & Cable, 2003;Uggerslev, Fassina & Kraichy, 2012;Yu, 2014) have found that job seekers' reactions toward a company's recruitment efforts are affected by information about the company (e.g., reputation for treating employees fairly, positive social environment), the jobs (e.g., fair compensation, interesting, opportunity to grow), the recruiters' behaviors (e.g., display warmth, communicate knowledge of jobs and company), and the selection process (e.g., perceived fairness, timeliness, consistency). The company website is often a source for some of this information, and plays a critical role early in the job-search process when job seekers make a decision about whether or not to apply with little or no personal contact with the company.…”