animal-based science including veterinary research and education. 19, 22, 37, 38 The drive towards competency based and strongly skills oriented veterinary education while meeting societal demands towards high ethical standards led to the development of veterinary simulators, models and skills laboratories. 11, 24-26, 28 Skills laboratories provide a safe and lower stress environment where clinical skills and student-centered learning can be fostered without harming animals, and repeated practice opportunities can be provided. 11, 24-26, 28, 39, 40 A wide range of small and large George described a 'Simple Five-Step Method for Teaching Clinical Skills' which aims at optimising psychomotor skills teaching in an organised way leading to a satisfactory learning experience for the student. 80 Step 1 of this method is called 'overview' which leads to conceptualisation and motivation to learn the skill. It entails the cognitive apprehension of the skill, why and when it is done, and which equipment is needed. Step 2 is a silent demonstration of the skill by the practice is possible for medium fidelity models, the Haptic Cow invariably requires an instructor and only enables small group teaching. However, despite some limitations, implementation of bovine rectal examination simulators into veterinary teaching programmes, offers remarkable additional training opportunities to live cow training, and may help reduce the requirement of live animal training. Several studies have evaluated rectal examination simulators, 41, 42, 73, 83-85 and concluded that training on simulators was superior to theoretical instruction only for locating the uterus and cervix, 84 while additional simulator training after live cow palpations significantly How can students' TRP and PD skills be reliably assessed and what is students' TRP and PD accuracy after training? These questions will be answered in Chapter 2 and 3 of the dissertation. Secondly, recent developments in student training within veterinary education have shown that simulator training is an alternative approach to live animal training. 11, 24, 25, 28 While simulations are increasingly attractive as a parallel to clinical experience, it is crucially important that simulations be validated to meet the expected training outcomes. 6 Several studies evaluated the use and implementation of rectal examination simulators in veterinary training programs. 41, 42, 73, 83-85 There are however, no large scale rectal examination simulator studies validating the effectiveness of simulator training compared to live animal training which leads to the second research question: study based on the unusual physical activity involved in bovine TRPs and the 'Learner Trait Ability' hypothesis and investigated the effects of arm muscle strength, grip strength, proprioception and an exercise programme on students' PD accuracy. Results from this study led to the investigation presented in Chapter 5 where an EMG study took the results of the previous study a step further and led to the development of the 'B...