An ortho-polygon visibility representation Γ of a 1-plane graph G (OPVR of G) is an embedding preserving drawing that maps each vertex of G to a distinct orthogonal polygon and each edge of G to a vertical or horizontal visibility between its end-vertices. The representation Γ has vertex complexity k if every polygon of Γ has at most k reflex corners. It is known that 3-connected 1-plane graphs admit an OPVR with vertex complexity at most twelve, while vertex complexity at least two may be required in some cases. In this paper, we reduce this gap by showing that vertex complexity five is always sufficient, while vertex complexity four may be required in some cases. These results are based on the study of the combinatorial properties of the B-, T-, and W-configurations in 3-connected 1-plane graphs. An implication of the upper bound is the existence of aÕ(n 10 7 )-time drawing algorithm that computes an OPVR of an n-vertex 3-connected 1-plane graph on an integer grid of size O(n) × O(n) and with vertex complexity at most five. Research supported in part by: "Algoritmi e sistemi di analisi visuale di reti complesse e di grandi dimensioni" -Ricerca di Base 2018, Dip. Ingegneria -Univ. Perugia. arXiv:1807.01247v2 [cs.DS] 2 Aug 2018Concerning the upper bound stated in Theorem 1, the main difference between our approach and the one in [8] is that we do not aim at removing all crossings so to make G planar. Instead, we define a subset F of the B-, T-, and