A Pitcher shape circularly polarized flexible antenna for use in C-Band (4–8 GHz) applications is presented. According to IEEE Frequency spectrum, the C-Band has wavelength of 7.5–3.75 cm. The wearable antenna was shaped on leather texture (as substrate) and it is simple in design. The presented design includes a circle-shaped scorching patch with a defected ground. The microstrip linefeed procedure is utilized to energize the antenna. The impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna is observed to be very less i.e. 20.35%, between 6 and 7.36 GHz but the return loss at 6.704 GHz resonant frequency is quite impressive and measured as -30 dBi. The impact of the radio antenna boundaries is likewise dissected through a parametric report. To check the activity of the introduced plan, the antenna apparatus was manufactured and tried utilizing a vector network analyzer. Examination of the recreated and estimated results uncovered great understanding.