Suttor VP, Ng C, Rutkowski S, Hansen RD, Kellow JE, Malcolm A. Colorectal responses to distension and feeding in patients with spinal cord injury. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 296: G1344 -G1349, 2009. First published April 9, 2009 doi:10.1152/ajpgi.90408.2008.-The role of the central nervous system in enteroenteric motor reflexes remains controversial. Our aims were as follows: 1) to evaluate colorectal, rectocolic, gastrocolonic, and gastrorectal reflex responses in patients with cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) and 2) to compare these responses with those in healthy subjects. In six patients with SCI (5 male, 42 Ϯ 4 yr) and six healthy control subjects (5 male, 36 Ϯ 5 yr), 2-min phasic distensions were performed randomly via dual-barostat balloons in the colon and rectum. Continuous colonic and rectal balloon volumes were recorded during distensions and after a 1,000-kcal liquid meal. Mean balloon volumes were recorded before, during, and after phasic distensions and over 60 min postprandially. The colorectal response was similar in control subjects and SCI patients (rectal volume reduction ϭ 28 Ϯ 11% and 15 Ϯ 5% in SCI patients and healthy subjects, respectively); the rectocolic response was variable. The gastrocolonic response was present in all subjects (colonic volume reduction ϭ 49 Ϯ 4% and 44 Ϯ 3% in SCI patients and healthy subjects, respectively), with a time effect in the first 30 min (P Ͻ 0.0001) and a group effect in the second 30 min (P Ͻ 0.004). The gastrorectal response was present in four SCI patients and five healthy subjects (rectal volume reduction ϭ 38 Ϯ 4% and 41 Ϯ 3% in SCI patients and healthy subjects, respectively), with a time effect in the first 30 min (P Ͻ 0.0001) but no group effect in the second 30 min. Intact neural transmission between the spinal cord and higher centers is not essential for normal colorectal motor responses to feeding and distension; however, a degree of central nervous system and neurohormonal modulation of these responses is likely. gastrocolonic; gastrorectal; rectocolic; colon; spinal injury THE STUDY OF REFLEX MOTOR activity within the gut has received increasing attention in recent years. In reference to the colorectum, previous studies demonstrated that distension of the descending colon can be associated with an increase in rectal tone, a phenomenon termed the "colorectal" reflex (14,20). In addition, rectal distension provokes an opposite effect, with a reduction in colonic tone and phasic motor activity, a phenomenon termed the "rectocolic" reflex. In healthy subjects, Law et al. (14) found that the rectocolic response was clear and reproducible but the colorectal response was more subtle; conversely, studies from our unit demonstrated a clear and definitive colorectal response and a more variable rectocolic response (20).The neural pathways involved in these reflexes in humans, particularly the roles of intrinsic vs. extrinsic pathways and the role of the spinal cord, remain unclear. Patients with complete spinal cord injury (SCI) provid...