A fasting triglyceridemia >10 mmol/L is associated with chylomicronemia (CM) and an increased recurrent acute pancreatitis (RAP) risk. The number of pancreatitis episodes varies significantly between patients with CM. The objective of this study was to investigate gene expression profiles of RAP in patients with CM. A total of 47 CM subjects participated in this study. Prior to the analyses, all patients were divided into three groups covering a wide spectrum of RAP: 0 (n = 21), 1-3 (n = 10) or >4 (n = 16) pancreatitis episodes. Gene expression profiles were compared to those of 15 healthy normolipidemic controls. Differential expression moderated T-tests between studied groups were performed using a linear model of the Bioconductor package Limma. The False discovery rate was controlled using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. At a pvalue <0.01, a false discovery rate of 5% and a >2-fold change expression significance levels, a set of 41 probes have been found differentially expressed in CM subjects with no pancreatitis, 103 in the CM group with 1 to 3 pancreatitis, and 94 in the group with ≥4 pancreatitis compared to healthy controls. Of the identified annotated probes, 14 are shared by all CM groups; 3 are specific to CM with no pancreatitis; 11 are specific to CM with 1 to 3 pancreatitis, and 17 are specific to CM with ≥4 pancreatitis. Most of the annotated biomarkers are involved in inflammatory, immune, lipoprotein kinetics or signalling biological pathways. These results reveal gene expression signatures of RAP in patients with CM.