A 37-year-old gravida 3, para 2 with suspected abruption at 36 5/7 weeks gestation had an emergency repeat lower segment cesarean section. Her obstetrical history was significant for a normal vaginal delivery followed by a lower segment cesarean section with two layer closure for a suspected placenta previa. She had multiple cardiac surgeries including patent ductus arteriosus ligation, pulmonary stenosis repair, and Konno procedure, replacement of aortic valve with prosthetic St. Jude valve, requiring several transfusions. She was on therapeutic dose of subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin (Enoxaparin). At the emergency cesarean section partial abruption of placenta and markedly thinned out ecchymotic scar of previous urgent cesarean section were noted. During cesarean section, scar which was found to be friable, was repaired in 2 layers of 0 Vicryl suture: the first, locking and the second, imbricating the first. She also underwent tubal ligation by Pomeroy method, and then her anticoagulation was resumed 6 h postop. Her post-operative period was uneventful.Three months following her delivery, she presented with continued periodic spotting and bleeding. She was then on warfarin and INR in low 2 0 s. There was no chorionic tissue on USG with thin endometrial stripe, normal beta HCG \ 5, TSH 2.4, and no local source of bleeding. She received progestogens in an attempt to control bleeding along with oral iron therapy. She returned 6 months postpartum for continuous bleeding, when a bulky firm lower