We consider quantum quenches in the integrable SU (3)-invariant spin chain (Lai-Sutherland model) which admits a Bethe ansatz description in terms of two different quasiparticle species, providing a prototypical example of a model solvable by nested Bethe ansatz. We identify infinite families of integrable initial states for which analytic results can be obtained. We show that they include special families of two-site product states which can be related to integrable "soliton non-preserving" boundary conditions in an appropriate rotated channel. We present a complete analytical result for the quasiparticle rapidity distribution functions corresponding to the stationary state reached at large times after the quench from the integrable initial states. Our results are obtained within a Quantum Transfer Matrix (QTM) approach, which does not rely on the knowledge of the quasilocal conservation laws or of the overlaps between the initial states and the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. Furthermore, based on an analogy with previous works, we conjecture analytic expressions for such overlaps: this allows us to employ the Quench Action method to derive a set of integral equations characterizing the quasi-particle distribution functions of the post-quench steady state. We verify that the solution to the latter coincides with our analytic result found using the QTM approach. Finally, we present a direct physical application of our results by providing predictions for the propagation of entanglement after the quench from such integrable states. arXiv:1811.00432v4 [cond-mat.stat-mech]