This paper proposes a new robust motion deblurring filter using the inertial sensor measurements for strapdown image IR applications. With taking the PSF measurement error into account, the motion blurred image is modeled by the linear uncertain state space equation with the noise corrupted measurement matrix and the stochastic parameter uncertainty. This motivates us to solve the motion deblurring problem based on the recently developed robust least squares estimation theory. In order to suppress the ringing effect on the deblurred image, the robust least squares estimator is slightly modified by adoping the ridge-regression concept. Through the computer simulations using the actual IR scenes, it is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm shows superior and reliable motion deblurring performance even in the presence of time-varying motion artifact. [7,11]. BD 기법은 점 확 산 함수가 시불변 특성을 갖는 HST (Hubble Space Telescope) 분야에서는 우수한 복원성능을 보이는 것으로 알려져 있다 [7]. 하지만, 지금까지의 연구결과에 따르면 움 직임에 의한 영상훼손이 다양한 시변 특성을 갖는 실제 상 황에서는 BD 기법에 의한 영상복원에 한계가 있음이 지적 되어 왔다 [11].