ABSTRACT:We show that an imbalance between the populations of singlet (S) and triplet (T) states in pairs of magnetically equivalent spins can be generated by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization. In partly deuterated ethanol (CD 3 13 CH 2 OD), this T/S imbalance can be transferred by cross-relaxation to observable, enhanced signals of protons and coupled 13 C.I n recent years, long-lived states (LLSs) 1 and dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) 2,3 have been extensively explored, since they offer novel means to overcome two major limitations of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), namely the short lifetime of nuclear magnetization (usually limited by the longitudinal relaxation time constant T 1 ) and the low intrinsic sensitivity of NMR and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that is normally governed by Boltzmann's law. LLS can preserve spin order over intervals much longer than T 1 : this unique property is attractive for in vivo studies since it represents a promising way to use long-lived NMR signals of metabolites and characterize slow reactions that take place in tissues of interest. 4,5 Furthermore, dissolution-DNP (D-DNP) 6 is increasingly popular in metabolic in vivo studies and MRI since it enables inter alia the detection of anomalous metabolic behavior in tumors. 7−11 The combination of LLSs with DNP 12 and MRI 13 methods has recently been developed for applications on clinical MRI systems. The prototypical LLS is a "singlet state" of a pair of nuclear spins, which corresponds to a population imbalance 14 between the antisymmetric triplet manifold and the symmetric singlet state. In systems comprising two magnetically inequivalent spins, it is possible to populate LLSs directly by DNP at low spin temperatures. 15 LLSs can also be populated without resorting to DNP in systems with magnetically equivalent spins, as in the two-spin system of para-hydrogen 16 and in three-spin systems of methyl groups, 14,17−20 where manifolds of symmetry A and E correspond to irreducible representations of the C 3 group. In both cases, it is possible to induce a long-lived imbalance between states belonging to manifolds with different symmetries at moderately low temperature, provided the rotational energy gap is much larger than the Zeeman splitting. In para-hydrogen, the energy difference between the three triplet states and the singlet state S 0 is ΔE/k B ∼ 170 K in the absence of a magnetic field, while in the methyl group of γ-picoline, 14 the difference between the A and E manifolds is only ΔE/k B ∼ 6 K because of tunneling effects. In this Article, we show that, in an A 2 system with two magnetically equivalent spins, where the Zeeman energy difference between the triplet states T +1 and T −1 and the singlet state S 0 is ΔE/k B ∼ 14 mK at B 0 = 6.7 T, it is possible to use D-DNP to induce a triplet− singlet imbalance (henceforth called TSI in analogy to the A/E imbalance, or AEI, in methyl groups 14 ), which may be written aswhere |S 0 ⟩⟨S 0 | is the population of the singlet state S 0 and | ⟩⟨ | T T represents the...